Why ?

What is the motivation behind returning to Thoroughbreds and hosting a horse show that features Thoroughbreds and the give back to aftercare?

The photo above is a photo of me when I was a young girl with my Thoroughbred(TB), Faithful Steps, “Squirt” was her barn name. She took me from Maiden equitation at 2’ to the start of 3’6”. She was this little black mare that had lots of sass and a heart of gold. During the time I was showing her, the horse show rings were filled with Thoroughbreds. This little mare taught me how to be a sensitive rider, with soft hands and soft seat, she taught me patience, and the beauty of asking for something not demanding it thru less desirable means.

As the show world headed towards Warmbloods, I also took a semi-hiatus from TB’s, but never entirely, most of the horses/ponies I owned still had TB blood.

I guess I am a bit of a romantic. After visiting the track a few years ago and sitting on the board at Second Chance Thoroughbreds, Inc, the experience ignited that fire for the TB. I became a huge advocate for aftercare and the opportunity to give these horses a do-over in life. Years ago I was laid off from a job, and it pushed me into a perfect career in life, I want that for the OTTB.

In hosting the BEYOND the backstretch events I am hoping that the world sees the value of the TB, and that it is a privilege to own and ride them.